Camping in Rishikesh is not mere an outdoor activity about spending one night in a tent. But it is a recreational, truly adventurous activity for the city puppets. Most of the people think about camping of an outdoor activity sleeping for one night in a tent but it is way more than that. What makes the difference is the location of the camp, and what could be a better location than Rishikesh for camping.
Riverstone Camp’s in Rishikesh is one of the best experiences of outdoor activities. Camps are located at the beautiful Lush Green Forest & White sand bank of river heval . You would sleep to the melodious voice of running water and wake up to enthusiastic chirping of birds with a beautiful view in the valley. Don’t get scared if in between, you wake up to the thrilling howl, roar or shriek of a wild animal. Is not it all exciting!
Riverstone Camp’s completely rejuvenates your body and mind and trust us once you have experienced it, you will look forward to it every alternate weekend.
Luxury Riverside Camp (Triple sharing bases ) : 1800 Per person / Night
Luxury Riverside Camp (Double sharing bases ) : 2000 Per person / Night
Luxury Ac Rooms (Triple sharing bases ) : 2500 Per person / Night
Luxury Ac Rooms (Double sharing bases ) : 3000 Per person / Night